
How to Draw

I think I'll write a book. It will teach people how to draw everything. I've already completed two pages. Here's a preview:


I showed the first page to an experienced art professor on campus. She said, "Well, I think it's missing something."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Um, you could start by adding some shading," she responded.

"GOOD IDEA!" I said zealously.

So for page two, I made sure it had shading...


I can't wait to get it done. It would be an honor to get published. It's the American Dream. It seems like everyone at least at one point in their life thinks to themselves, "Boy, I oughta write a book." And then some of them actually take initiative, and think, "Boy, I oughta write a book about something like BEING A CHRISTIAN, because there are only eight million books written about BEING A CHRISTIAN and I think I should write another one. And then people can become even more confused. That sounds like a good idea." I know I've been wanting to write a book about Christianity, so don't let my sarcastic tone mislead you. I just can't write it because I don't have the attention span or the knowledge to. I'll stick to drawing books. We could always use more of those.

I have no idea why I just made this post.


Anonymous said...

your last page should be a really difficult thing, and the only direction should be
1. Trace.

:D just some ideas haha.

Anonymous said...

That was just the pick-me-up I needed this morning. Thank you, Ben.

jenesis torralba said...

...you really should follow through with the whole thing. sell it in the mvnu bookshop. i'd buy and give them out as christmas/birthday/hannukah gifts, for sure. :]

Daniel said...

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL YES. We need more books about being a Christian. Joel Osteen especially needs to write a few more. He doesn't get enough money from his church. lol If you make a drawing book, I will buy it.

Christina said...

Bennett, this made me smile. Quite largely. I like your sense of humor.
But maybe you're on to something here... Do we really need more books telling us HOW to draw, or should we just do it? Do we really need more books telling us HOW to follow Christ, or should we just get started following Him?

Anonymous said...

We have female art professors?